
“I spent most of my childhood at the YMCA. I cannot imagine it not being there as a safe place for kids to learn and grow. My kids both went to daycare there. Now my son is a first responder and uses the Y daily to workout, play squash, and maintain his physical and mental health. There is no other facility like this that offers so many amenities to our community.”
Sarah Bonin

The YMCA of Sault Ste. Marie has been serving the people of Sault Ste. Marie, and improving the health of the community, for over 120 years.

The Bridge to Our Future campaign is crucial for the YMCA to secure our sustainability and ensure we remain a viable community resource for years to come. The YMCA is committed to raising $1.5 million so we can continue to help the community of Sault Ste. Marie and surrounding area shine through essential programs and services.

With the help of donors like you, we will make this critical investment into the health and wellness of our community. Donate today!

Sault Ste. Marie YMCA Charity Registration #121935274RR0001